Back to Compulsory Routines
Compulsory Class VII - Pommel Horse
Compulsory routines are broken up into parts. Parts may consist of a single
or sequence of skills. Regardless of the amount of skills in the part
each part is worth the same, 1.0 of the Base Score of the routine. If
the part is missing or unrecognizable the gymnast receives a 1.0 deduction
from his Base Score. If he completes more than 50% of the part he receives
0.5 a deduction from his Base Score.
1. Jump to 2 or 3 straddle support swings
2. Cut left leg forward to stride support
3. Cut left leg backward
4. Cut right leg forward to stride support
5. Cut right leg backward
6. Cut left leg forward
7. Single leg travel down
8. Cut left leg forward to stride support
9. Cut right leg forward to dismount landing with back to horse |