All classes, except Class 7, must set the
parallel bars so that the rails are above their shoulder height (high
enough for them to perform
a long hang swing without touching the floor).
V press to handstand deductions:
Press out below horizontal = -1.0
Press out from horizontal to 45° = -0.3
Press out from 45° to vertical = -0.2
Momentary hold of hanstand = -0.1
Back to Compulsory Routines
Compulsory Class V - Parallel Bars
Compulsory routines are broken up into parts. Parts may consist of a single
or sequence of skills. Regardless of the amount of skills in the part
each part is worth the same, 1.0 of the Base Score of the routine. If
the part is missing or unrecognizable the gymnast receives a 1.0 deduction
from his Base Score. If he completes more than 50% of the part he receives
0.5 a deduction from his Base Score.
1. From
a stand or short run, glide kip to support
2. Swing backward to horizontal then bail
Bonus - instead of # 2, swing backward to above horizontal
(body extended) then bail +(0.2)
3. Moy to upper arm hang (hips at bar height, open or piked)
4. Swing backward to back uprise (feet above bar height, and arms
straight at completion)
5. Swing forward (hips above horizontal)
6. Swing back to 45° and lower to straddle L seat (2 second
Bonus - instead of swinging to 45, swing to a momentary
handstand (hold allowed) then lower to straddle L seat (2 second hold)
7. Straight arm, bent body press to hanstand (2 second hold)
8. L seat (2 second hold)
9. Swing forward (hips above horizontal)
10. Swing backward and hop to 45° above horizontal
11. Swing forward (hips above horizontal)
12. Swing backward through handstand and release either hand
to 180° Wende dismount |